I know you were appalled. It was pretty bad. My car is my mode of survival. As a working mom, I throw EVERYTHING I need for the entire day in my car somewhere. Which means, snacks, water bottles, my kids necessities for whatever activity that day, workout clothes, work stuff, anything I need to bring to someone or God knows what else. It all starts out nice and neat. (Lie) I mean I put it all in organized compartments. (Lie) And I take everything out each night. (Lie)
The truth is, I mean to and want to keep my car neat and tidy. But that either means I clean it every night or fight with my kids to clean it. I know you think I should do both. I saw it in your judging eyes. But take a peek in my car at 6:30 pm after we get home from activities. The mountain of crap that's piled up and crumbled to the floor is overwhelming. I still need to make dinner. The kids haven't started homework. Everyone smells like taco meat. And I'm likely desperate for a shower, too. Cleaning my car is not my first priority. And fighting my kids, well...let's be honest...homework is a fight that doesn't need any fuel. I say I'll do it in the morning, But then morning comes. Ugh, it's all there waiting for me and I barely have time to make it to work. No time to clean.
So if you peek in my car, on most days, it looks like someone's messy front closet and the crumbs from a Cheese It's bag are having a party. And as much as I'm mortified that there's an old hot chocolate cup from Starbucks in one of the kids cup holders, I'm not gonna beat myself up over it. Something always has to give. So peek away. Cuz I know that somewhere in your life chaos plagues you, too. It has to. No one has it all under control.