I cannot believe we are into the fifth week of summer!!!! It's amazing how quickly I filled my time! I guess I'm just not someone who can't sit still. My children open their eyes every morning and ask what our plans are before even yawning or stretching. So it makes sense that they got their schbilkies from me. Let's be honest, there aren't many days I don't have "a plan." And that's mainly because since the moment I realized how painfully boring it was to be home with an infant, I started scheduling and double booking plans all day, every day. Rain, snow, or shine I have to leave my house or I revert back to the wretched beast that emerged when I was pregnant. Ask my husband—it's not pretty.
But I never thought I'd be this busy.
Ok, get ready. Here's the big news: I'm taking a course to get certified as a personal trainer. It's 20 gazillion times more work than I ever thought. And in order to take the certification test, I needed to get certified in CPR. So I took an online/offline course for that, too. And I'm proud to say I can officially save anyone, or at least I have a certificate that says I can. Well, really I don't even have a certificate. I have a JPEG that was attached to an email I got two hours after my offline class (run by a very sweet 10 year old) ended. (Cut backs, I guess.) It was pretty anticlimactic. At the end of class she just told us a story about how some drunk guy collapsed on the "el" and she thought she'd need to do CPR, but he was just sleeping. When it was awkwardly clear that no was amused or impressed, she waved her hand and said, "you guys are done. Call 1-800-Red Cross if you don't get an email in 2 hours." I was waiting for my plaque. My gold embossed certificate. A handshake. Nope. "Check your inbox" was all I got. Anyway, I digress.
In order to keep my sanity, and my marriage, I'm also freelancing 20-30 hours a week. It's fun to feel like a grown up working on my freelance stuff and then revert back to college and study for a quiz that's getting graded. I love learning. Especially when it's a subject matter that I give a shit about. My husband is TOTALLY having fun with the "back to school" notion of my journey. He invited me to back to his dorm room after his pretend frat party the other night, but said only if I get an A on my quiz. I nearly hid my head in shame when he asked me what grade I got and reported it was a B. Guess he's gonna have to take someone else home with him after the party.
But I never thought I'd be this busy.
Ok, get ready. Here's the big news: I'm taking a course to get certified as a personal trainer. It's 20 gazillion times more work than I ever thought. And in order to take the certification test, I needed to get certified in CPR. So I took an online/offline course for that, too. And I'm proud to say I can officially save anyone, or at least I have a certificate that says I can. Well, really I don't even have a certificate. I have a JPEG that was attached to an email I got two hours after my offline class (run by a very sweet 10 year old) ended. (Cut backs, I guess.) It was pretty anticlimactic. At the end of class she just told us a story about how some drunk guy collapsed on the "el" and she thought she'd need to do CPR, but he was just sleeping. When it was awkwardly clear that no was amused or impressed, she waved her hand and said, "you guys are done. Call 1-800-Red Cross if you don't get an email in 2 hours." I was waiting for my plaque. My gold embossed certificate. A handshake. Nope. "Check your inbox" was all I got. Anyway, I digress.
In order to keep my sanity, and my marriage, I'm also freelancing 20-30 hours a week. It's fun to feel like a grown up working on my freelance stuff and then revert back to college and study for a quiz that's getting graded. I love learning. Especially when it's a subject matter that I give a shit about. My husband is TOTALLY having fun with the "back to school" notion of my journey. He invited me to back to his dorm room after his pretend frat party the other night, but said only if I get an A on my quiz. I nearly hid my head in shame when he asked me what grade I got and reported it was a B. Guess he's gonna have to take someone else home with him after the party.