Feeling unmotivated to workout? Spend a day with me and a few of my "mature" clients. They may not win at the "who can lift more" game, but they'll blow you away in the "bring it! category.
Yes, those same people who shuffle in with a cane, they'll wipe you from wall to wall when it comes to effort. They don't care if they're having a bad day. They're not interested in doing less work. They're not afraid of the weight. Instead, they're legitimately terrified of falling yet they repeat the exercises past my expectations. But not for me. For themselves. Fatigue feels like life to them, so with every exercise they push through till their muscles are shaking and hit failure. As I hold their hands I can feel their bodies tremble with determination to get every last rep executed perfectly. Hell yeah, they earn their breaks, their water and my respect over and over again. They're not trying to out-train a bad diet, be 17 again or look good in a bathing suit. Instead, they're trying to out-slip the ice patches in the parking lot, keep their "grandparent babysitter status" active and be able enjoy life to the fullest. They're motivated all on their own to push through, challenge themselves and remain committed.
I'm honored to be a part of each workout and help these brave souls face their fears and make life-altering strides. It is intense. And to be honest, I can't help but feel like a huge effing baby after watching these champions "bring it" every time.